28 November 2015

Emo Moment

There's time where I just want to run away from the social events,
shut myself from the outside world,
doesn't want to say anything nor hear anything,
doesn't want to think,
listen the songs I like,
be into my own world,
cry as hard as I like,
get a rest from the facial expressions,
make a big sigh,
and release all the emotions...

09 November 2015



你的来临  是恶梦的开始
令人窒息  总想要逃避
你如沐春风  我如坐针毡
不寒而栗  战战兢兢

撇不掉  反被纠缠
撇不掉  还要奉承
撇不掉  被逼迎合

撇不掉 撇不掉 撇不掉 撇不掉

谁懂我愤怒? 谁解我之恨?
无奈至极  坚强继续
