17 August 2020

So, what's next?

I've been sad for so many months. 

Now, I have gotten over it, I no longer cry or sad about it.

I guess I've been through the stages of grief, such a journey, proud of myself. :)


So, what's next?  

Love myself more, I don't want to torture myself by not eating, not sleeping or shut myself out from the world anymore.

I want to climb higher in my career, get myself ready for the next challenge. If the current position is the highest I can be in this company, then I shall leave, I don't like to be trapped forever. I don't work to survive, I work to enjoy life.

Make myself pretty, try new styles, lesser t shirt and jeans. Life is too boring without beautiful clothes.

Travel alone? Or find a travel companion... Next stop, Europe.

I'm ready for the next relationship. It's exciting, I don't know who will I end up with, hope that we treat each other well. Anyway, I won't desperate for it, am not afraid of being alone anymore. 

Now, I'm telling myself...

Every moments that I've encountered, be it sad or happy, they are part of life lessons. I'm grateful for everything I had experienced.

I shall be the better person and overgrowth myself everyday.

I shall be the ideal woman whom I want myself to be.

I shall achieve my life goals.